Congrats! I’ll assume since you are reading this, you have plunged into the four-week endeavor with a start to a new “You”. Through the next four weeks, I hope to teach you a little on nutrition and supplements. Remember that your body is a machine and needs a daily allotment of food(fuel) each day.
Now, I am NOT A NUTRITIONIST!!! I took your general classes on nutrition and will help show you how to fit your macros into your diet. IF IT FITS YOUR MACROS, it is very simple and an easier method to transfer from meal to meal. We are going to look at the basics.
Proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. We are going to calculate a number with a specific formula and this will tell us your BMR (basal metabolic rate). This number will reflect on how many calories your body needs to essentially function in its prime.
Performing your bodies daily functions can consume up to 60% of your energy sources.
From there we will break that number down into specifics.
Protein: the muscles building blocks(essentially, don’t get all technical because I already know). When dealing with protein people are always asking how many grams per day? You will hear many mixed answers ranging from .5g-2g/ pound of body weight dependent on your goals. No matter your goals, when it comes to your protein intake you want to break it up into 4-6 meals.
Your body can only break down so many grams in one sitting before your body will store it as fat. There are some studies out there that state: 30grams of protein per meal is all your body can truly digest in one sitting. For example, I weigh 210 pounds so I have to take in anywhere from 210-315 grams of protein per day depending on my goals.
Carbohydrates: are where you get to have a little fun. You daily intake of carbs can range from 40%-75% of your daily caloric intake. Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of fuel throughout the day. Every cell and tissue within the body can use glucose as its main energy source.
Carbohydrates are needed for the central nervous system, muscles, brain, kidney’s, and also the heart to function properly from day to day. Your diet should consist of mostly carbohydrates and not of proteins and fats. If a diet high in carbs is not being consumed, it will cause an extreme stress on the body. This stress can lead to accelerated protein/fat breakdown, which means you will “look good” but not feel anywhere near good.
The forbidden macro, FATS! The majority of society and fad diets tell you to stay away from fats. Over the years, fats have managed to gain a bad rap, causing weight gain and heart disease. This is true for those who go way out of bounds with their fat content.
Many don’t realize how many grams of fat are in certain foods, or what they have disguised them as. Fat is a major energy resource for the body because the body’s ability to store fat is unlimited (within reason). Fats also aid in vitamin absorption and antioxidants. If you are a person who likes percentages, your daily fat intake should be 20-30% of you daily caloric intake.
Each macro has its own “worth” as fuel for the body. Each gram of protein, carbohydrate, and fat has its own caloric amount. Alright, lets break it down a little here. Protein: each gram of protein has a net worth of 4 calories per gram. Carbohydrates: each gram of carbohydrates has a net worth of 4 calories per gram. Fats, on the other hand, have the highest caloric value at 9 calories per gram. In other words, you need a balance of all in order to reach your goals. You can’t just simply take a whole macro out of your diet and expect great results.