Not Reading, Getting Craig’d, Ron English

Not Reading Is there possibly a bigger relationship deal breaker than when someone tells you they do not read? I mean, besides being rude to restaurant staff, smoking heroin, not having a sense of humor, flaking, smelling bad, having no aspirations, being bad at spelling, being a liar, or being a terrorist. Shit’s not a … Read more

Politics and Comedy, Gatekeepers, Future Funk

Politics and Comedy The worst bit in comedy is anything political, especially when specials are being filmed. I was watching a throwback special, by a certain Katt Williams: It’s Pimpin’ Pimpin. One of his first bits was him going on about how Bush was as the president and how Hillary Clinton couldn’t hold down ol’ … Read more

Yes, It Is Okay to Make Fun of Things

make fun of people and make them cry

So for the first time in a month, I hopped on the ol’ PS4 and one of the free games of the month was [easyazon_link identifier=”B00XWE54CU” locale=”US” tag=”onyxdefiant-20″]NBA 2k16[/easyazon_link]. As a sidenote, I don’t watch basketball and don’t know the dynamics of basketball. I have no idea what I’m doing in the game. The only thing … Read more