The White Donkey by Maximilian Uriarte is a graphic novel that takes place in 2007 about a Marine’s first tour in Iraq. Those who follow Terminal Lance are familiar with Abe and Garcia, the main characters. However, they’re a hell of a lot more serious in the book than in the online comic series.
When I first joined the Marine Corps, I wanted to go to Afghanistan.
Instead, they sent me to Japan where I hopped from one booze and whore laced country to the next every 6 months and didn’t really do shit. When my time was up and the Corps sent me back to the United States, I was sent to an MOS schoolhouse where, when I got there, I was told careers went to die. How accurate. Not for me, I knew I was going to get out. Sucked for the 13-year sergeant that was forced out because he couldn’t pick up staff.
Oh well.
[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”500″ identifier=”0316362832″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”onyxdefiant-20″ width=”328″]Even with my limited “real” experiences in the Marines, so many relatable elements are in the story. Not really knowing what you joined for, being a boot, simultaneously hating and loving where you’re stationed, making really great friends and losing them, a little hazing action. It’s all memories brought back to life.
Any military member will recognize familiar faces throughout the story. The dickhead higher up, the don’t-give-a-damn higher up, the girl you gave up, the guy who asks way too many questions, your best friend (both in and out of the military), and the begging kids. All the tropes are there because all the tropes are real.
For those Marines out there on active duty or on veteran status, this is required reading. We both know you already read every single Terminal Lance comic strip. For civilians out there that wonder what the Marine Corps is really like without the embellishment should check this out.
For me, I’ll keep this one around for years. If not to reread, to give to people I know that aren’t aware of the way things go so they can get an understanding better than I can explain.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0316362832″ locale=”US” tag=”onyxdefiant-20″]Click here to grab a copy of The White Donkey.[/easyazon_link]