Week One Down of #NoNothingNovember


So here we are, the first week of #NoNothingNovember completely over. Thus far, it’s gone pretty well. I did have some hiccups, but it’s expected in something like this. I can deal with it, though. Just have to roll with the punches, adapt and overcome. To recap, the 3 things I gave up are: Excessive … Read more

Everything Sucks in the Beginning

So do you.

What a cynical title. Boo hoo everything sucks. It’s true. The only thing that sucks worse than starting is starting over again after a juicy hiatus. That’s what I’m dealing with one of my #NoNothingNovember challenges. The 100 pushups, 100 crunches, and 100 air squats everyday challenge. Damn, back in the day when I was in … Read more

The Benefits of Writing Out a Schedule


It’s day 2 into #NoNothingNovember, and I’m already seeing the benefits of writing out a schedule. What’s the point of waking up at 5 AM if there’s nothing to accomplish? That’s right, there isn’t. Anyone that’s been in the military knows how boring and tedious the first few weeks of boot camp are. You’re not … Read more

Top 10 Vices Given Up For #NoNothingNovember


After the announcement of this years #NoNothingNovember, posts came flooding in on Reddit with people saying what they wanted to give up. If you need help deciding what it is you want to give up, here’s a helpful list of what other men are planning on giving up for #NoNothingNovember. It shouldn’t be a shocker … Read more